Purses Designed by Kate Moss & Longchamp

The famous supermodel Kate Moss became a remarkable fashion designer. How come? Well, through her talent in fashion, and everything related to fashion, she collaborated with Longchamp and together launched recently a handbags fashion line!

Kate started working with Longchamp in 2006, when she appeared in several commercials, which have improved the company’s image worldwide. “This is why the partnership came to be extended in other ways”, quote from Daily Mail.

Now, Kate launched in Paris a series of practical handbags, large, of various colors, which share two identical features: a zebra model lining and an attached scarf. In addition, these handbags are modern, fit to a wide range of outfits and have a kind of rock “attitude” because of the zippers and fitting.

The interesting scarves that come with each bag can be worn both as bag accessory or clothing accessory. The key to success is given is given by the fact that, the 36 years old Kate, worked closely with fashion professionals, as well as with the Longchamp artistic director Sophie Delafontaine, who taught Kate how to combine the rich life experience with fashion design. “It was a fabulous opportunity for me,” said Kate Moss, regarding her collaboration with Longchamp.

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Andrea Grace

I've always been collecting various beauty tips and tricks for me and my friends. So, at Beautips I'm sharing this knowledge to you, my friends - to try and test them. Please leave a comment below to know your opinion of my articles, I will answer them, for sure! Editor at Beautips

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2 Responses

  1. andrea says:

    Hello Jane and thank you for your requirement!
    I will be more than pleased to do some research on Hermes handbags, and i will write down a great article (or at least i hope so 🙂 )

  2. Jane says:

    Hey, i couldn’t help from noticing that you have many articles about handbags. I am keen on the famous “birkin” bag created by Hermes. Can you please offer me some more details about the Hermes brand? I believe that i can turn out into a great article. Thx

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