How to Maintain the Health of Your Feet

We walk a lot, we need to run, we need to go from here to there, and how do we do it?! With the help of our feet. So, we need to take good care of them starting from young age and we’ll collect the laurels in our older days. Actually, is the same with any part of our body.
Sore and achy feet, dry and cracked skin, calluses, odour due to excessive sweating, blisters – all signals that feet are sending out to let you know they’ve simply had enough!
So, what to do?!
Follow these simple tips we reveal here, all kinds of tips for all kinds of problems regarding our lovely feet! Share on X- Washing feet daily in lukewarm soapy water and drying them thoroughly, especially in between the toes is part of a healthy foot care routine that can be followed by application of moisturizing cream all over the feet, except in between the toes.
- Trim toenails straight across the toe to help diminish your risk for ingrown toenails. Even if long nails look nice when perfectly polished, short nails are far less of a risk.
- To keep corns and hard skin under control use a foot file, emery board or pumice stone. Don’t cut corns for yourself, or apply ‘over the counter’ lotions or acids unless prescribed by your Podiatrist or Healthcare Practitioner. If you have previously been advised that you can use ‘over the counter’ lotions check each year that this is still okay.
- Wear quality socks as well since they can be just as important as shoes when it comes to healthy feet and comfort. Make sure socks fit and are snug not bunching or slipping. Socks made of synthetic fiber blend are a good choice for everyday wear and keep feet dry as well as comfy.
- It is important to buy good-fitting shoes that do not pinch or hurt the feet. Foot pain needs to be monitored and must not be ignored as it could mean more serious injury to the feet, if it goes untreated.
- If you suspect you have injured your foot or contracted an infection, seek attention from a medical specialist. If a treatment plan is prescribed, follow the doctor’s orders and finish the medication or exercise therapy. Uncompleted medication regimens and physical therapy courses can stifle recovery.
- Itchy feet may signal fungal infection of the skin and doctor’s advice is beneficial for quick relief.
Consider These When Choosing a Pair of Shoes:
- Hard surfaces can cause pain and problems
People who spend a lot of time on hard surfaces – such as concrete – are more prone to heel and forefoot pain and may develop more calluses and corns.
- High heels can place significant stress on your body
High-heeled shoes place the foot into an unnatural position, affecting both the foot and your posture. Prolonged periods of walking in high heels can place unnecessary stress on your back and neck, and result in permanent postural changes.
Two of the Most Common Feet Problems and Their Cure:
How to Reduce Swelling in Feet
Swelling of the feet and ankles is a common occurrence. Problems with the heart or blood vessels that don’t allow the blood to return properly can cause swelling in the feet and ankles. This condition is caused when the heart’s pumping ability cannot keep up with the blood being returned leading to a “back-up” resulting in foot swelling.
Also, another problem is: edema. This is caused by fluid in your body’s tissues, and it typically involves swollen feet, ankles and legs. Usually fluid retention is noticed in the peripheral areas, but it can happen anywhere in your body. To help, keep your lower extremity swelling down, your doctor may recommend taking a diuretic, also known as water pill.
Common therapies include the use of compression stockings to prevent swelling and assist the veins in returning blood to the heart. Stockings often compress gradually with increased pressure at the toes with decreased pressure as the stocking continue to the calves or thighs.
Compression socks are another viable option for alleviating leg pain and swelling. They are ideal for people who are on their feet all the time or are sitting down all day. Before using compression garments, ask your health-care provider about the right compression level for your needs. Compression socks with zippers are a good choice for people who have difficulty bending down to wear or remove their socks.
How to Get Rid of Calluses
Calluses are also caused by pressure or friction, and produce areas of hard skin on your feet.
Most calluses can be treated or protected with products that you can buy over the counter from your pharmacist. However, you should ask for advice from your pharmacist before using any products. If you are having frequent problems, you should visit a podiatrist (or chiropodist).
Also, maybe you should take a peek on out other articles about healthy, beautiful feet, no matter in which way:
- 5 exercises for sexy legs!
- The 8-step guide to sexy slender legs
- Hot fashion trends for winter: tights and stockings
- High heels torture
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