How to Pick the Right Glasses for Your Face Shape

Different by styles, colors, shapes, if you pick the right ones, they may suit you in every mood or look, as much as possible.

In order to find out what glasses look best on you, you need to know what face shape you have. Keep in mind that not everyone fits into just one face shape. As a general rule, it is said that you should pick a pair of glasses that contrast against the shape of your face. But, on the other hand, coloring should compliment your skin tones.

Typical face shapes

Typical face shapes

Glasses for Oval Face Shape

If you have oval face shape then your face length is larger than the width of the cheekbones, while the angle of the jaw is rounded. Oval face shape is symmetrical and proportionate. Is it yours? Because if so, you are the lucky one.

Due to the well-balanced proportions, any types of glasses will suit you, as long as they do not overpower your face with their size.

Glasses for oval face shape

Glasses for Heart Face Shape

Usually a heart face shape has a broad forehead, prominent cheekbones and a smaller jawline.

For this shape is recommended round, cat eye, and butterfly frames. Also avoid decorative at top and keep in mind that frames should have a wider bottom than top.

Glasses for heart face shape

Glasses for heart face shape



Glasses for Round Face Shape

Round face shape is spherical, has full cheekbones, curved edges and a more narrow forehead and jawline.

For this type of shape, best glasses are those which have lots of angles, such as rectangular glasses. Take care and avoid rounded frames. As it has been said, your glasses should contrast against the shape of your face.

Glasses for round face shape


Glasses for round face shape

Glasses for Square Face Shape

Square face shape is wider than long and has a broad forehead and a defined jawline.

You may soften your features with a rounded pair of glasses, since your face is angular. Also cat-eye and butterfly glasses are welcome. Look for frames with thinner rims.

Glasses for square face shape

Glasses for square face shape

Glasses for square face shape


Glasses for Oblong Face Shape

An oblong face is longer than it is wide. The cheek line and the sides of your face are straight. Your forehead is tall and wide and it might be round at your hairline.

The wider glasses, also known as aviator frames, are definitely for this shape. Since they are wide, they will make long face appear shorter.

You can try frames that have more depth than width.

Glasses for oblong face shape

Glasses for oblong face shape

Glasses for oblong face shape

Don’t forget! Glasses are an important item, when it comes to your style. Take your time to find the right ones!

Julia Purple

My passion is makeup. I love fashion, fitness and healthy lifestyle. Everything beauty, all the time!

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