Diet and Workout Guide: 9 Rules for a Strong and Slim Body

Closeup portrait of a sexy female body over black background
Closeup portrait of a sexy female body over black background

Most of the time bodyweight is the biggest problem we have. What we do not always see is that bodyweight is not only a cosmetic issue, but also it can lead to major medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many others.

The easiest way to start a plan for a little to big transformation, is to understand one important thing: ladies, you need to feel good in your own body, you need to feel comfortable with yourself.

Ok! But, what if I tell you that there are some things you can do which can help you getting or maintaining you slim but also strong?

Don’t you believe me?

Follow My 9 Golden Rules As a Guide in Diet and Workout

Salmon fillets

Getting a Healthy Body

Rule #1: Drink Enough Water

…and do not ever allow yourself to stay thirsty. You should drink from 2 to 3 litres of liquid everyday, and when I say liquid I mean from all the sources, including food. Stay hydrated!

Rule #2: The Balanced Diet Is the Key

…for a healthy and also strong body. Everyone has to get enough protein, dairy, grains, fats, vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fibres, vitamins and minerals. They are important! Try to eat at least 2 or 3 from each category daily.

For a balanced diet, keep in mind that women need about 2000 kcal per day which include 50 G protein, 260 g carbohydrates, 90 g sugar, 70 g fat, 6 g salt. But don’t forget, those values are only as a rough guide.

Rule #3: Never Skip Breakfast

I know how much we all apreciate 10 more minutes of sleep! It’s just fine to do that, but make sure you have time for breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day, breakfast will give you so much energy in the morning that lasts the first half of the day!

Rule #4: Try to Plan Your Meals

You really have to set hours for each meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is very important to have a schedule.

Rule #5: Make Sure You Consume Enough Calories

This will maintain your energy levels high and also your muscles supplied with nutrients.

Sportswoman with earphones and blank screen smartphone using treadmill

Acquiring a Strong Body

For most of us, ladies, time is an enemy. Some of us prefer going to the gym, other prefer to work at home.

It doesn’t matter where you workout, but you have to do it!

Rule #6: You Can Start With Cardio Exercises

Do them about three day a week. They are very important to prevent fat gain. Pick your favourite exercises from running, or perform elliptical training, stairs climbing, indoor cycling.

Rule #7: Use Weights!

Exercising with weights will develop your muscles a lot better, your body will look wrought and you will get in shape.

Rule #8: More Sets, Less Reps

This totally works very nice. It is not so important to do so many sets, with some reps.

Believe me, you will get better results, in a short time, if you do the best you can in less reps with highly weights. Your body will pump, in a lovely way!

Rule #9: Get Enough Sleep

…that will give your muscles adequate time to recover. Not enough sleep will also make you feel low on energy when working out.

You can have your dream body without so much effort. What you only have to do is paying attention to what you eat and to remember that exercises are good for mind and body, not only for good looking, but also to feel comfortable with your body and to maintain your body healthy.

Julia Purple

My passion is makeup. I love fashion, fitness and healthy lifestyle. Everything beauty, all the time!

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