When Your Beauty Is on the Line: 5 Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon

Doctor Examining Female Patient In Office

You want someone who is going to take care of you and your needs, not put your life at risk. If you choose a bad cosmetic surgeon, it can leave you with infection, hard breathing, and so many other problems. If cosmetic surgery is not done properly it can ultimately lead to death if you are not careful. That is why we are going to discuss five tips to find the best cosmetic surgeon.

1.   Make Sure They Are Certified 

No matter what you are getting from rhinoplasty to liposuction, you must have a certified doctor. It is best to find one of the city’s premier rhinoplasty surgeons. You want a doctor who is certified by the board of plastic surgery. You can go to the website and see if a doctor is certified. Why is this important? Well, any doctor can do any procedure. A psychiatrist could do your surgery. However, if you make sure that the doctor is board-certified, they are going to know that they have at least five years of training in general procedures and at least two years of training in cosmetic surgery. 

2.   Check Their Records 

Licensing board websites will list any malpractice judgments and all disciplinary actions that were taken. You should find out if the surgeon has any issues and what they may be. Simply looking at your state’s medical board site will show you this.

3.   Ask the Surgeon if He/She Has Privileges With the Hospital 

It is important to ask if the surgeon has these credentials. Even if the surgery is taking place at an outpatient facility, you should ask. This is because a hospital will do background checks. If the surgeon doesn’t have these privileges, it should be a big red flag. 

4.   Come Armed 

When you go in for a consultation, make sure you are armed with questions. One of the most important questions that you should ask is how often the doctor does the surgery you are wanting. If you are going in for a facelift, you want them to have a lot of experience with that procedure. Many websites have questions that you can print out to ask your surgeon. 

5.   Multiple Procedures 

You should be wary of multiple procedures at once. This increases your risk. The more procedures that you have, the more money the doctor will make. A doctor may suggest another procedure when you just want one thing done. Money is the motivation behind this. You should never allow the doctor to persuade you by their charm. Only look at their credentials.


Reputable surgeons have credentials and have their license. They are also board-certified. Your surgeon should not be leery about anything. They should be straight-forward with any questions you may ask. Take the time to know your surgeon before you put your trust into their blade. 

Vivianne Sterling

Editorial Manager at Beautips. I love street style and I'm always in search of bits of inspiration around me. I also believe in home-made solutions for fitness, beauty tricks and healthy cooking.

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