5 Summer Inspiring Homemade Hair Masks

Woman hair comb. Problems with hair. Studio shot.

The biggest advantage is that your homemade mask won’t have any chemicals so it will really help your hair. You may already have most of the ingredients in your home so you can always whip one up for an emergency conditioning session! And it’s fun!

We gathered some of the best homemade hair masks and put them all together here for you. Read more and share your opinion with us.

First Recipe Is Made of Yummy Fruits: Banana and Avocado Hair Mask

This homemade fruit hair mask is proven to prevent hair loss and cure itchy scalp and dandruff. Helps to regrow hair and also to strengthen and fortify your hair.

Blend 1/2 a banana, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon yogurt. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave on hair for 15 minutes.

This One, I Prevent You, It’s Stolen. Olive Oil Homemade Hair Treatment, by Stylist Josh Rosebrook:

  1. Take 1/4 cup olive oil and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  2. Part your hair into four sections and apply the warm olive oil to your scalp, section by section. Make sure to work the olive oil from the scalp to the ends of your hair.
  3. Put a plastic cap on your hair and let the olive oil work its magic for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the cap. Shampoo, condition, and style your hair as usual.

Broccoli… Not Only to Eat but to Improve Your Hair Looks

The most common cause of dull hair is buildup from commercial products. Most commercial shampoos and conditioners contain silicones, which coat the hair and can initially make it look smooth and shiny.

Broccoli seed oil performs a function similar to silicones – it is a natural alternative to shine serums. The oil is expensive, but only a tiny drop is required. Rub the oil into the palms of the hands and then smooth over the hair.

Egg Mask

Beat two full eggs with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply to clean, damp hair, massaging in well. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes and then wash out with mild shampoo.

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Andrea Grace

I've always been collecting various beauty tips and tricks for me and my friends. So, at Beautips I'm sharing this knowledge to you, my friends - to try and test them. Please leave a comment below to know your opinion of my articles, I will answer them, for sure! Editor at Beautips

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