Beauty Tips About Waxing
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Waxing removes unwanted body hair. This method removes the hair roots making the hair grow slower. So you can enjoy a long lasting smooth skin. When doing waxing remember that the hair should be at least 1/4 inch in length. Do not wax over open sores, new scars, varicose veins, raised moles. If you skin bleeds, bruises, or tears easily avoid waxing. You can try another way of removing your hair.
Here Are Some Beauty Tips on How to Wax (you Can Consider Them as Steps to Follow):
- Don’t take a shower before waxing. Hair absorbs water making it soft causing the wax adherence less effective.
- Choose your product. There are waxes or sugar solutions available.
- Read instructions thoroughly, twice.
- If product needs to be heated, do so for suggested time.
- Test the temperature so that you don’t burn yourself.
- Check legs to be sure that they are dry. This is very important.
- For first time wax users, apply a thin layer of wax/sugar solution in a small area of the leg following hair growth direction.
- Press strip onto leg.
- Turn a small area back against the strip.
- It should be resting flat against the strip about to be removed.
- Lift the end as instructed and pull back toward you.
- Do not pull up but instead pull back.
- Repeat procedure if you have missed a few hairs.
- Continue the leg until you are hair free
- Clean your freshly wax skin with warm moist towel.
- Don’t wear tight fitting clothes after to prevent skin irritation.
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1 Response
[…] tan. It prevents the tan from being evenly applied on your skin. That’s why it is best to shave or wax before you hit the tanning […]